Friday, February 20, 2009

22 years old

Wow, it has been a while since I last wrote. Things have been going well, school is getting busy but so far so good, I have been doing a lot better about keeping on top of things this semester. I am proud of myself for not being behind all the time, it feels good! Work has been better lately, I find myself enjoying it more, I think I have learned that when everything kinda gets in place n life it makes a huge difference. Organization is key, and as soon as you get one thing organized move onto the next, and so forth. I feel pretty calm which is nice. I went to New Orleans for CMAA ( Club managers Association of America) annual conference. It was a lot of fun, I love new orleans but the last time I went was before Katrina, and it was nice to see the before and after but it was very sad, a lot of of the city is still run down and deeply still effected by the event. There is some new construction but not nearly enough. I was glad to go though, and see the parts of the city that I love. I definitely could never live there though, everything closes so early!!! My friend Caroline and I went to go shopping about 4 pm, and figured we would have the rest of the day, but little did we know that stores close at 6 or when it gets dark, haha. Just a bit slower down there not a whole lot to do. I was lucky to go with my good friends, and also I had a buddy from work go down at the same time with his friends so there was a nice group of us that hung out a lot.

My valentines day was nice, I worked and Jamie and I went to dinner and played ski-ball which I kicked his butt in! Work was pretty busy but it was good we needed the business.

My birthday was fun, I had class in the morning and then spent the day relaxing! I went to dinner with a group of friends and then we went to one of my favorite bars and played Apples to Apples and had a few pitchers of beer it was nice to just hang out with friends.

Some other exciting news is that Jamie and I got a new apartment! We are moving to Pacifica which is the first beach town outside of San Francisco :) I am excited! It is a lot cheaper to live there which will be nice, and it will also be nice to not have roommates. It will ad about 10 min. to my commute which is isn't bad at all. And the best part is that it is on the BEACH instead of other houses across the street from us it is the OCEAN! I am really excited, other pluses are that it is also only 4 blocks from my gym! ( time to get rid of the "extra love" i gained ) and it is about 2 blocks from Safeway so I am excited we can walk to our bank, post office, grocery store, dry cleaner, a few restaurants and Farmers Market !! And the best part NO 2 HOUR PARKING OR STREET CLEANING! which if you live in the city you will understand what I mean :) I will be saving over 100/month on rent alone so I am excited. Once we get settled I will post pictures. The apartment has all new wood floors, new carpet in the bedrooms, which I like, new bathroom re kitchen with Granite counters and backsplash, and new crown molding! I am really excited:)

Other than that I am excited to see my family today, they are coming up to the city to take Jamie and I to dinner for my birthday, we are going to a new restaurant and I am excited! I LOVE trying new places. I will ad some pictures of life recently :)